If you live in a townhome or condo community in Owen Brown, you are part of an additional homeowner's association. You will need to check with your individual homeowner's association below to obtain their resale documents, annual fees, architectural guidelines and community rules (e.g. parking). Below are the various HOAs within Owen Brown.5
Cradlerock Mews Association
Located in the Dasher Green neighborhood on Quiet Hours (6700 block) and Second Morning Court.
Contact Info: cradlerockmewshoa@gmail.com or 443.718.9262
Elkhorn Landing Association
Located in the Elkhorn neighborhood on Lasting Light Way and Winter Rose Path.
Contact info: Howard Property Management 410.313.8608 or carleton@howrdproperty.net
Gateway Condominiums
Located in the Hopewell neighborhood on Gracious End Court and Gentle Shade.
Contact info: Metropolis Condo Management 301.779.1800 or community@mymetropolis.net
Greenleaf Homeowners Association
Located in the Dasher Green neighborhood on Frietchie Row, Sweet Fern, Woven Moonbeam, Pressed Gentian, Overheart Lane, Fruitgift Place and Pennacook Lane.
Contact Info: Greenleafboard@gmail.com or D.H. Bader Management at 301.953.1955
Lakeside/Dockside Homeowners Association
Located in the Elkhorn neighborhood on Broken Staff, Sea Change, Sweet Clover and Dockside Lane.
Contact info: lakesidedocksidehoa@gmail.com or Victory Management at 410.505.8086
Lakewinds Homeowners Association
Located in the Hopewell neighborhood on Peace Chimes, Carved Stone (7300 Block), Better Hours and Stag Horn.
Contact info: lakewindshoa@gmail.com
The Residences
Located in the Hopewell neighborhood on part of Hickory Limb.
Contact info: Howard Property Management 410.313.8608
Located in the Hopewell neighborhood on Morning Walk, Solar Walk and Calm Sunset.
Contact Info: First Real Estate Management kholmes@fremllc.com or 410.730.9531
Snowden Ridge Association
Located in the Hopewell neighborhood on Natures Road, Constant Course and Balmy Dew.
Contact info: American Community Management 410.997.7767 or snowdenridgebod@googlegroups.com
Southwick Association
Located in the Dasher Green neighborhood on Talisman Lane and Knighthood Lane.
Contact info: Majerle Management 301.220.1850 or jcraige@accessMMI.com
Swan Point at Lake Elkhorn Condominium Association
Located in the Elkhorn neighborhood on Harbor Lane and Swan Point Way.
Contact info: WP&M Property Management 443.796.7400 or board@swanpoint.org
Waning Moon Homeowners Association
Located in the Dasher Green neighborhood on Quiet Hours (6500-6560) and Waning Moon Way.
Whittier Square Homeowners Association
Located in the Dasher Green neighborhood on Melting Shadows.
Contact info: rayturk182@yahoo.com
Woodlake Community Association
Located in the Dasher Green neighborhood on Hickory Log Circle, Mossy Brink, and Kerry Hill Court.
Contact info: American Community Management aheller@acmhome.com or contactwoodlakeca@gmail.com